The 7 Unspoken Rules of Working In A Coworking Space

coworking space, coworking office, office space dublin

October 18th 2017

When it comes to coworking etiquette, there are rules that dictate a coworking space, to keep them ticking over.

However, there are some unspoken agreements between you and your deskmates that should never be broken. Trust us when we say: happy deskmate, happy life.

Coworking is a shared office environment where people can come together and get things done. However, there are a few ways that this balance can go south, so it is best to avoid them at all costs. Whether you’re a seasoned vet at coworking or thinking of trying it out for the first time, these tips are definitely worth a read.

Avoid the dreaded spread

I’m looking at you, desk spreader! Much like soil creep, desk spreading happens over time and often so slowly that you don’t even notice, until one day you come in and realise that your workspace now covers your desk and half of your neighbours too.

Keep your things organised and tidy. It will not only keep relations with those around you on track, but a tidy desk is also the sign of an organised mind (not to mention being able to find that stapler every time you need it).

coworking space


Kitchen rules

The kitchen is one of the communal spaces that everyone will use throughout the day, so keeping it clean should be a priority for everyone. Even little things, like leaving a coffee-stained mug in the bottom of the sink before you run into a meeting, will irk those around you. Do yourself, and everyone else, a favour and clean up after yourself, without exception. People notice these things.

coworking space

Tolerance is key

You might be the shy and retiring type, who likes complete silence and to be left alone during working hours. However, you could be sitting next to what feels like the world’s most popular person, with a phone that never stops ringing. You need to remember to respect their work style and tolerate their business practices – within reason. A coworking space is all about mutual respect.


Remember the popular person we were just talking about? Maybe that sounds a little too familiar? If this is you, remember that it takes all sorts to make the coworking space go round. So, as much as you enjoy chatting through your phone directory, be aware that you are sharing a space with other people.

Try to keep your noise levels to a minimum. This means keeping your ring tone low, your laptop on silent and your voice quiet. (Unless something amazing happens – you’re allowed a whoop or two!)

Keep your sickness at home

You are sharing a space with individuals who are here to get things done and the last thing they need is to get sick. If you’re feeling under the weather, just stay home. Turn your living room into your office for the day, if you need to, but keep yourself out of the office until you are feeling better.

You’ll be thanked and it will definitely increase your chances of a fresh cuppa landing on your desk when you return, in a show of gratitude.

A friendly lunch

You do not want to be labelled as the person who microwaves their smelly fish lunch and stinks up the office for the rest of the day. That is a terrible award to claim at the Christmas party.

Avoid smelly food for lunch, and if you’re really craving fish then eat out that day. It’s a communal space, so don’t inflict that on anyone.

Make the most of your workspace

The joy of a coworking space is being able to move around and work in different places. Feeling uninspired at your desk? Up and change the scenery and sit somewhere else. A new location, seat, decor, colours or faces might actually jolt some inspiration in you and spice up your working day.

Remember, no two days are ever the same in a coworking office.

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Categories: Office Life